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Full Diagnostic Hearing Test

Hearing aid Labs South Africa

Information about our full diagnostic test

The consultation fee is R600.00 on cash payment. This can also be claimed from medical aids at medical aid rates, depending on the plan or benefits available to you. We will of course assist you with this procedure.
What is the difference between a screen and diagnostic test?

A hearing screen test is generally a pass or fail test. If you pass, your hearing is considered normal. If you fail, further testing would be necessary to determine the type, severity and where the hearing loss originates. The test takes about 15-30 minutes.

Simply put, a screen test tells us if there is loss. A full test tells us where and the severity of the loss.

A full diagnostic test is a complete evaluation on the health of your hearing and takes on average an hour. Our Audiologist will do an in-depth assessment that looks at the function of your outer, middle and inner ear. Some of the tests she/he will do are: bone and air conduction, pressure behind your eardrum, speech audiometry and so on.

When should I get a full diagnostic test?
  • If you have experienced a history of ear infections or sudden hearing loss which is a significant difference between one ear and the other, it’s important to get a full diagnostic test.
  • If you experience ringing in one or both ears
  • If you are aware, you suffer from hearing loss
  • If you’ve worked a noisy environment such as factories, construction, etc.
  • If you constantly ask people to repeat themselves
  • If you feel that most people mumble when they talk to you
  • You struggle with high-pitched noises such as womans and children’s voices. Hearing loss often begins at the upper ranges.

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Full Diagnostic Hearing Test

Why do you need a hearing test?