Growing older is no picnic. As we age, we tend to lose show more signs of hearing loss. Of course, there are other myriad causes of hearing loss, including ear infections, ear wax buildup, disease, and heredity to name a few. Nonetheless, hearing loss amongst adults aged 35 years and above is caused predominantly by overexposure to loud noises and ageing.
How can you know for sure that you are suffering from hearing loss? When do you know that it’s time to get some hearing aids?
In this article, we’ve compiled a list of signs that may show that you may need to undertake a hearing test.
#1. Asking Others to Repeat what they said
It starts out slow, but you’ll find yourself always asking people to repeat something in a conversation. When that happens, it could be the time you saw an ear specialist or pay a visit to one of the best hearing aid companies in South Africa.
#2. Problem with Cell Phone Volume Setting
This is perhaps one of the most common signs among modern folks who suffer from hearing loss. Unfortunately, most of these individuals don’t realise until it’s too late. That’s right – if you often set your in-call volume at or near max, but you still find it difficult to follow the conversation, it’s highly likely that you need hearing aids.
#3. Difficulty with Intimate Conversations
If softly spoken words and whispers from a speaker who’s a short distance away have become hard to understand, you need help with hearing loss. It could be a temporary hearing loss, but you need to have a hearing test done to be sure.
#4. Mumbling
If you often complain that people are mumbling, then you need to get your ears checked for hearing impairment.
#5. Difficulty following Group Conversations
People with hearing loss find it hard to follow every bit of a group conversation. If these signs become consistent, you may need hearing aids or at least a hearing test done.
#6. Children Conversations
Children talk, especially when they are in a large group, consists of primarily high-frequency elements. Sadly, a high-frequency hearing loss is one of the most rampant in South Africa. So, if you cannot hear or understand your little ones’ conversation, you’re missing out on unforgettable moments because of hearing loss. Get yourself a pair of hearing aids and never miss such precious life moments.
There you are – 6 signs that indicate that you may need hearing aids. Visit any one of our stores across the country for a free screen test
AUTHOR: Hearing Aid Labs